1. Although Pliny the Elder is
not regarded as a specialist in art criticism (and possibly faulted for
placing speed of execution in such high regard), it seems there can be no
controversy about the factual basis of this quote.
That is to say there was at
least one woman who was working during the 1st century (either BCE or CE) whose
work exhibited such skill that it demanded a higher price than work given
greater esteem in the established art venues of Pliny's time.
The quote above so
perfectly sums up the situation regarding Endico
haute conduite
watercolors that the laws of logic are
set in a death match against irony—and nearly 2000 years later at that.
Despite over 21,000 original
worldwide while receiving
numerous awards for her
work during the last quarter century, one still must travel to
the artist's studio (or
contact her through this web site) in order to purchase the work.
Also the
number of so called "museums" and "galleries" that claim to
be archival institutions
representing works of 20th & 21st century artists, but
which fail to house even a single Endico in their permanent collections, is a marvel and a mystery.
Maybe not so mysterious if you
remember to take the terms 'museum' and 'gallery' with the appropriate grains of salt.
The quote above comes from Book
35 of Pliny the Elder's Natural History (on Roman Painting) and was
taken from the secondary source:
Janson, H. W., and Anthony F. Janson. History of Art. 1913. 6
ed. Wilmington, NC: Prentice Hall, Inc., 2001. 195.
Of course the
Ashville Museum and the
Kentucky Museum
(Western Kentucky University) are exceptions to the rule
stated by Pliny above while 2000 years later
his statement still speaks perfectly to the irony of circumstance
surrounding Mary's work.
Endico collectors often extend the irony thus:
August 14, 2024
Re Painting Collection:

8429 ***************
June 04, 2024
Re Painting Collection:

8411 ***************
March 11, 2023
Re Painting:
The painting is now on the wall in a frame I made for it.
BTW: I also built the coffee table plus the console
below the lamp shown.
Later I will be adding another room to our house.
In the new room we want to hang two vertical
abstracts, but we can work out those details later.
Augusta, NJ

Absolutely! - Mary
2339 ***************
February 27, 2023
Re Painting:
Put the new painting behind my desk. Lovely!
Waterford, VA

Whatever it is you do in that office, I want to hire you! - Mary
7791 ***************
April 7, 2022
Re Paintings:
7306, 7152
A couple of photos showing your artwork in my bedroom. Love the way it
looks. Everyone that sees the art asks who the artist is. I refer them
to you. Anyway, hope you like them.
Warwick, NY

Sharp, sharp, sharp! - Mary
7263 ***************
January 29, 2022
Re Painting:
Good morning,
We are very happy with how our painting looks on our wall! It’s perfect.
We love it! Thanks again.
And from the hubby:
I totally agree with Barb.
Mary, I hope all is well with you and best wishes for a safe, healthy
and prosperous 2022.
Can’t wait to visit your studio again in the near
future, so we can fill up more bare spots on our walls.
Best regards,

Such a perfect setting! - Mary
December 19, 2021
Re Painting:
I'm sending a photo, but the photo doesn't come close
to capturing the beauty.
We Love the painting (as I said before, you really
captured what we wanted), and the frame is perfect in the room.
We have waited a long time for one of your
paintings... very happy.
Thank you so much for adding joy to the season!
A&G Sugar Loaf, NY

Sweet! - Mary
8325 ***************
October 11, 2019
Re Painting: 7696
Mary –
What d'ya think!?

I think it looks great! - Mary
February 11, 2019
Re Painting: 7221
"Closure" found a new home
Hi Mary
Wanted to thank you for our wonderful painting and the perfect frame.
Still working on what goes on the mantle, but we’ll give that the time
it needs.
I’d like to say that as much as we like the painting in your window, it
shows much better here.
With warmest regards
K& S

Mary Endico's husband Bob says, "Hard to tell if painting makes the
fireplace look
better, or fireplace makes the painting look better. In any case,
perfect match."
7574 ***************
December 27, 2017
Re Painting: 6610
It is complete!
I hope you can see the detail of John’s frame.
It is beautiful as is the painting.
Happy holiday,
Waldwick, NJ

terrific unique one-of-a-kind frame handmade by painting's new owner
8042 ***************
December 8, 2017
Re Painting: 7279
Mary –
Anchorage, AK

Photo by: Antje Carlson
showing Martin shopping in Endico studio
8024 ***************
November 13, 2017
Re Painting: 5645
Mary –
Finally finished!

7724 ***************
September 17, 2017
Re Painting: 3776
Mary –
We thank you again for all your assistance and most importantly your
Ronnie and Dick

8009 ***************
Aug 28, 2017
Re: 40th Anniversary
Happy World Renowned 40th Anniversary
Since 1977? Wow!!!
Our bragging rights on you go back longer than I
As I mentioned in the more recent past, Leni & I,
along with sister/sister-in-law, Marcie Granger, showcase our Endico
treasures still.
Bill Stevenson

And that being said despite the fact a large portion of their collection
ended up at the bottom of the Atlantic in 2010 when the ship carrying it
to Europe lost a large part of its cargo during a storm.
3632 ***************
July 27, 2017
RE Painting: 1802, 6744
Dear Mary,
We are back in scorching Florida.
We received your package this morning, and we decided that your
are too beautiful to put in my bedroom.
We are moving other things to the bedroom and putting these
on my "featured" wall in the living room.
Can't wait to frame and hang and enjoy!
Thank you again,
Boca Raton, FL

7771 ***************
July 17, 2017
RE Painting: 6094, 6336, 4478
Hi Mary,
I am sending you a few photos of your paintings that are in our new
home in North Carolina. They all look beautiful in their new
location. Hope all is well with you; we love it here.
Best regards,

6853 ***************
June 5, 2017
RE Painting: 6289
Nice to meet you.

7979 ***************
March 25, 2017
RE Painting: 7034, 7036, 7209

Ha ha, my little house shown alongside these mansions.
I don't have a ton of money, but I must have a ton of
Just wanted to say: I went out for a few hours; came
back home; looked into my living room and smiled.
I told myself, "Better get used to smiling every time
you walk into the house!"
Twin Lynn
6279 ***************
March 5, 2017
RE Painting: 7193
Hi Mary,
We just wanted to share with you how great the picture
Thank you, and we look forward to coming up again.
E & JS

5068 ***************
March 19, 2016
RE Painting: 1864
Dear Mary,
Thank you for helping me make my first online purchase of an Endico
Original. The idea of buying fine art over the internet was daunting. You
and your web designer made it an easy and enjoyable experience. I'm so
glad to see the DECIDE option, and that the interactive features remain.
The painting, Mary, OMG it's gorgeous.
My husband, for whom it is our wedding anniversary
gift, could not be more thrilled with his new Endico watercolor. Nor could
I. Thank you so, so much.
Martha, Staten Island, NY

5792 ***************
March 11, 2016
RE Painting: 6574
Good Morning,
Just wanted you to see the outcome.
Southbury, CT

6141 ***************
Jan 9, 2016
RE Paintings: 4346
The very first thing to go on the wall in my Florida house ... and I know
the the artist personally ... !
Thank you, Mary.
Middletown, NY

2118 ***************
Dec 25, 2015
RE Paintings: 6317
Merry Christmas, Mary!
My parents and sister & brother in law love their paintings. Thanks for
everything and I hope to see you soon.

7757 ***************
May 31, 2015
RE Paintings: 6618
Hi Mary,
Bob and I want to tell you how much we love the painting you did for us.
It is perfect in our bathroom - the colors are just
what we wanted.
Thanks again - enjoy your Summer.

3803 ***************
Dec 16, 2014
RE Paintings: 6415, 6427, 6428
Attached are pictures of the paintings hung up.
You did a phenomenal job.
Thank you so much,
LG, Bayside, NY

1529 ***************
Nov 05, 2014
RE Paintings: 6469
Painting is up and both Caren and I are very happy.
Thank you so much.

7657 ***************
Nov 03, 2014
RE Paintings: 6474
Hi Mary,
I just finished unpacking the painting you sent, and I absolutely love
It's everything I hoped it would be, and more.
You did a fantastic job of packing it; I think if it
had been dropped out of
an airplane, it would have survived intact!
Thanks again...I couldn't be more pleased.
See you when the weather turns warm again.
LLH, Whiting, NJ

7565 ***************
Sep 11, 2014
RE Paintings: 2798, 5922
Mary, your paintings are wonderful in our home.
We want to visit again soon!
Thank you.
Arden, NC

7591 ***************
Mar 20, 2014
RE Paintings: 6233, 6234
Hi Mary,
We love the pics.
It makes the room light up.
Thank u.
Woodland Park, NJ

7555 ***************
Dec 10, 2012
RE Paintings: 5703, 5778
Dear Mary —
What a surprise to find the other watercolor I loved on Christmas morning.
I was smiling from ear to ear.
I absolutely LOVE your work!
Highland Lakes, NY

3464 ***************
Nov 11, 2012
RE Paintings: 4753, 4758, 5684
Dear Mary:
Thank you for the prompt delivery of the 3 watercolor vertical [framed]
paintings which I purchased on 10-13-2012. It was the only good thing
about that penitential "foliage" trip with a group from my Manhattan
church. The 3 pieces were so well packaged that I have not examined them
individually. Having already wrapped the 1 for #2 son, I hand-delivered it
last weekend and intended to do the same for each of my other sons.
Lastly, please let Bob Fugett know how much I enjoyed IMPULSE & STRENGTH.
Happy Thanksgiving to you both. I hope that our paths may cross again.
New York, NY

7398 ***************
Sept06, 2012
RE Paintings: 5362
Dear Mary,
We picked up the lighthouse painting this past weekend, and wanted to say
it looks more beautiful than we expected on our wall. Colors are vibrant,
image lively, overall effect beautiful as I just wrote.
Thank you very much!!
Best wishes,
M & NF
Stamford, CT
7382 ***************
Nov 09, 2011
RE Paintings: 5551, 5552, 5553
Hi, Mary.
Got the paintings last night! Wow, they're absolutely beautiful and more
gorgeous than I anticipated, if that's possible.
Thank you so much. The shipping was perfect, nothing broken. I can't wait
to get them up for all to see when my renovations are finished.
Philadelphia, PA

7293 ***************
Oct 23, 2011
RE Paintings: 4100, 4053, 4577
Hi Mary,
I'm finally getting around to sending you pictures of the
paintings. We love them and they look great. Emma hung hers in her new
blue and pink playroom. I'm sure we will be back in your store sometime in
the coming new year. The wall opposite to the paintings is calling your
Have a great rest of fall and enjoy the holidays that are
fast approaching.
Bloomingburg, NY

7241 ***************
Nov 14, 2011
RE Paintings: 4333, 5492, 5493, 5497
Hi Mary,
They arrived! Thanks so much for your guidance…they look wonderful in our
room. They tie everything together.
Thanks also for that special message.
Boynton Beach, FL
7272 ***************
Aug 09, 2011
RE: Painting # 3628, 4611t
Mary -
You can breathe a sigh of relief - everything has arrived and in perfect
Thank you so much for the
small painting (it's perfect) and for repairing
the other.
I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me.
Hope to be back in Sugar Loaf and shopping again soon.
Thanks Again,
Flanagan, IL

5624 ***************
Oct 27, 2010
RE: Painting # 4086
Dear Mary,
It was truly a pleasure meeting you on Saturday and
touring your shop. Your work is absolutely captivating and we are very
proud to be the owners of one of your paintings.
I have enclosed two photographs of the place where your
creation will be hung in our dining room (where the crane print is
currently) along with a paint chip of the future wall color.
The walls are a color called "Informal Ivory," so they
are actually much whiter than they appear in the pictures, but you can
certainly get a feel for the setting with the rich tones of the teak and
the mahogany bar top.
I think we are definitely in the ball park with the
frame and matting, but if you see anything that you think might be more
appropriate or complimentary please feel free to point us in that
We look forward to seeing you in December.
Saratoga Springs, NY

7196 ***************
Hello Mary,
I wanted to let you know that I am enjoying the lovely
painting you did for me.
I hung it when I returned home and can't stop looking
at it.
Regards, and hope to see you again soon.
Highland Falls, NY

7179 ***************
Dear Mary,
On behalf of the Watercolor Class and The Warwick Center, I would like to
thank you for taking your time last week to share your beautiful paintings
and your story with the group.
Everyone enjoyed their visit thoroughly and came back
with new inspiration and motivation for their own painting.
You are a hidden treasure in our area. I had no idea of
the extent and influence of your work.
Thank you again for sharing your time and talents.
Exploritas Program Coordinator
Warwick, NY
7130 ***************
Yea! It's here, it's fine, and it's gorgeous!!
Thank you so much. I think that I like the Plexiglas—they can be so heavy
with the glass.
Arlington, TN

Sweet Mary,
Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you....
Her birch tree that she keeps talking about will make
it in time for Easter.
I know this will brighten my Aunt Pat's day.
Words cannot express my gratitude for your patience
when I changed my mind... and your dedication to get the painting to her.
You are an angel!
With much appreciation,
Follow up:
Thank you so much.
Aunt Pat received her
Birch tree painting on Friday.
When her daughter Lynn showed it to her, she "...had a smile, beaming
from ear to ear," and she kept saying over and over again, " My birch
tree, my birch tree, it's such a beautiful birch tree, look at the
colors... so beautiful."
She wanted Lynn to hang the painting where she could see it, however,
her hospital bed is in the living room facing the kitchen—with no wall
space available.
To solve this Lynn propped the painting on the
kitchen counter, so Aunt Pat had a birds eye view of her painting.
What joy your painting brings her!
Mary, thank you so much for making this all possible.
6329 ***************
I grew up with one of your drawings on the wall of my bedroom, and I am
now at the point of getting it reframed for the room of our future child.
It is an elephant drawing that most closely resembles #2202
on your website...the colors of the flowers are a little different, and
there isn't the red on the elephant's ears.
I just wanted to let you know that your artwork is probably the reason the
African elephant is my favorite animal, and I am so excited to have found
your website!
I have a friend who owns an art gallery /framing studio
in DC, and I will be getting their advice on getting a new frame and new
glass. Is there anything I should be doing to ensure that it stays
beautiful as long as possible?
Also, I saw that the animal pictures are not being
produced. If you ever decide to produce them again, please let me know!
Thank you so much!
Thank you for the kind words, JB.
Any reputable framer will be able to suggest the best
materials for preserving the animal prints, so your friend will surely
give you good advice.
A note about the problems your framer will face and
why the prints were discontinued is included with the exception to
animal prints at:
Free Matboard Upgrade
The studio is currently looking into new printing
technologies to make these prints available once again.
Hi Mary,
We visited (Fantasy Factory?) & purchased from you
years ago as pretty ordinary folks—not collectors.
Two marsh scenes with a complementary sky & birds scene
as a set; a weathered barn & silo with a storm brewing in the background &
later a cabin that fit that theme.
All travelled with us through three tours in New York &
a couple of years in Korea before retirement in '92.
Now, living in Colorado, we continue to display our
prized art from you.
My sister-in-law, still living/working in Germany, has
several more of your pieces.
I was just staring at the barn, hanging on the dining
room wall —"smelling" the aromas, "feeling" the storm's approach (or
departure?) & thought that, after about 30 years, I should look you up &
give you a one-phrase endorsement:
Enduring; timeless
*************** 3632
Hi Mary,
I can't thank you enough. I love
your art work, and I will be online again real soon
purchasing more.
Hope you have a great New Year and keep on painting!
With much appreciation.
Hemet, CA
5366 ***************
- Christmas Card -
It was so good to see you this year—I get so much from
your paintings.
My two new ones are at home on our wall.
Thanks again for my pumpkin, I love it!
Enjoy your break in Florida.
Fort Myers, Florida
1945 ***************
Hi Mary,
Jean left a message for you to say that you were right
about the picture I purchased (it was the one she wanted for Christmas),
and it looks great now that it's up.
I was looking over our collection and found #1945, but
there were 3 that we don't have:
We must have purchased them as gifts, but at this time
can't remember.
The pic I have sent was not on the list, nor does it
have a number.
If you can identify it, could I get a number and be
added to list?
Thanks, and Happy New Year.
Fort Myers, FL

Thank you for the image. It's new number is: 4562, which you can
pencil onto the mat board backing.
Click on the image to see how it fits into
your collection.
We have also made a new page to browse
sold paintings the same way people browse
available paintings.
You are correct about the other numbers. I looked them up on my local
database and they are marked as purchased for gifts.
Who knows, maybe the people whom you gave the paintings to will come
across my website and send me photos of the paintings in their new homes.
Extra thanks to you for providing an image to help complete the online
*************** 1945
Hi Mary,
I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know
that I received
the lighthouse painting, and it is FABULOUS!!!!
It is even better than I had hoped for.
I'll be bringing it down to my gramma's next
weekend for her 95th birthday, and I know she will love it.
Thanks so much for the fantastic shipping.
The painting arrived safe and sound, and I am so
excited to give it to my gramma.
I'll be sure to keep your brochures and pass your
name around.....thanks again!!!!
Newton, NJ
*************** 7016
Hello Mary,
My painting came today. It is PERFECT!!!!
Thank you very much.
Myrtle Beach, SC

*************** 0121
Hi Mary,
I purchased
#4147 (large floral) last Saturday as an anniversary present (my
husband was with me).
I know you prefer brief queries - so I'll try - but I'm sure I'll fail
miserably, since I don't have the right vocabulary to discuss art.
In any case, I have 3 rather ingenuous questions
for you - and remember - I freely admit to having no knowledge of art!
I will also admit that I have no decorating sense.
Is there a "best" way to collect art?
I see a couple of possibilities:
a). work room by room - begin with my bedroom and newly purchased
painting (#4147)
and look for complementary pieces.
b). merely buy what I like - though I'm not sure how to blend with
what I already have in my living room which is my own b & w landscape
& portrait photography. Example: I really liked the "tree"
painting we discussed, possibly for my living room - to hang over the
mantle - would it work with the b&w's?
2. For either option - do I build upon color, style, subject?
For example:
#4147 is a floral. I have 2 other bare bedroom walls. I like the
colors in the floral, and I like your landscapes and
haute conduite, but I have virtually paralyzed myself (I believe
"analysis paralysis" was coined with me in mind) as I have been
thinking about how to proceed from here. I feel that displaying only
florals would be boring! I think I would want something from the
haute visée collections choosing the same colors as the floral -
BUT - perhaps emphasizing colors/shades that were used minimally in
the floral. Does this sound nuts???
3. Final question.
I have a modest budget, so $6-750 per wall is my limit. I'm going to
assume that anything I saw in your gallery (like the
tree!) won't be around 3 months from now when I can make my next
purchase. While I understand works are non-duplicatable - would it
possible to order something similar? I think by "similar" I mean in
the ballpark - colors, light, essence - NOT number of branches,
leaves, etc. Does that make sense?
Sorry for the ramble. I prefer a succinct writing style, but I suppose
that only works best when one is less overwhelmed!
Many thanks for the beauty you've brought to my small world.
Princeton NJ
Obviously Lydia is being modest with regard to her
knowledge of art and design aesthetic. She mentions other art work
(photography) in her home is her own. Plus when she was in the Endico
studio all of her choices were very astute. She also mentioned her
strong background in music and that she currently teaches at Rutgers
University in the area of Human and Community Development. She is
doing very important work.
Modesty regarding artistic understanding is not
uncommon, so here is a quick starter course from Mary about designing
developing your own art collection space.
*************** 6924
Thank you so much for the postcard we received from your studio. We
have the lovely painting that we bought from you in the hall in our
home, and lots of our visitors remark on it. We delight in telling
them where and when we bought it.
Your postcard has reminded us of a lovely holiday.
Thanks Again,
Prosperous, Co. Kildare, Ireland
*************** 5326
Hi Mary,
I wake up each morning to two Endico's in my bedroom. I have two in my
hallway in the front of the house and another in another bedroom. I
wouldn't part with them no matter how much they were worth. We
purchased the first one back in the early 80's because we fell in love
with it and just kept coming back for more. You re-matted our first
one right before we moved to Florida back in 2000. I'm glad we
received your latest postcard so we could visit your nice website.
Kissimmee, FL
*************** 0601
The painting arrived and is more beautiful than I remembered.
Thank you.
Stacy Green
Wesley Chapel, FL
*************** 1336
Hi Mary,
Sorry for the lag, the painting got here last Tuesday. There
isn't a compression technology in the world that will ever come close
to this painting up close and real. Now I really will have to visit
the Louvre someday. I had almost tricked myself into thinking the
Internet made all men equal.
John Mitchell
Hilliard, OH
*************** 5839
Dear Mary,
Everything looks terrific! You truly are blessed w/ a talent. Thank
you so much. We decided we are going to save this summer and get a big
one for the bedroom. So you will see us soon!
Rob & Debbie
New Windsor, NY
*************** 6700
Dear Mary,
I have 4 of your watercolors which I bought in Sugar Loaf in
the early 80's when we lived in Middletown, NY. Two are water scenes
with wheeling gulls. They hang in my bedroom and living room
respectively. I love them and the feelings they still evoke. The other
2 I bought for my then 7 year old daughter who fell in love with
them...a seated zebra and a standing unicorn. Those have been
re-matted, and they now hang in my granddaughter's room. I've since
retired to Memphis, and I would like to know if there is a catalog of
available Endico watercolors as I'd like to purchase another painting.
I looked at the 17 shown on Mary's website but would like to know if
there is a catalog with more choices. Mary's pictures have given me
great joy over the years as I knew they would when I first saw them. I
am glad to see you are still painting.
Memphis, TN
Nadine's request prompted the addition of a MORE link leading to
an expanded viewing of all paintings currently in inventory for each
specific style. You can see how this works by clicking on any of the
images in the
then scrolling down to the bottom of the page returned in order
to click on the MORE link at the bottom.
Thanks for the prompting, Nadine.