Mary Endico has hand painted and sold more
original watercolors. She has of course painted many more. Currently
information with linked images are shown on this website for 6,727 of
her original watercolors, some that are
available for purchase and many that
have been sold. There are also examples of
Mary's work in other mediums.
This online database is constantly being
updated, so if you have an Endico watercolor that is yet to be included, let
us know.
Images with relevant information for
1,076 paintings that are currently available for
purchase can be accessed using one of the
following three separate interfaces:
The number is the ID tacking number which
has been placed on the frame backing and the paintings themselves since the
summer of 1997. There is only a slight relevance of ID number to date of
creation, because paintings may be verified and placed on the database much
later than they were created.
The Endico studio may be able to provide additional
information, even if your own painting predates the image archiving
and numbering system.
More than 14,000 Endico paintings were sold
before the imaging aspects of this database were developed. Your
painting may not be numbered, or its number may not be found on the painting
itself. However, sales information tied to the original purchaser's account has been
tracked electronically since the year 1983. This provides the studio with
text records to guide us in providing information about your Endico
watercolor or aiding authentication when adding your
painting to the official online record.
Personal information is never published, and
other particulars are withheld on request. Typically
only the tracking code, size, type, materials used, year of creation, and
city where the painting resides are published.
If you have an Endico painting that you wish
to have included in the official record, scanning may be done by the studio at no
charge, or you may submit a TIFF or JPEG image as an attachment to direct
Many people have done just that. If a digital image does not exist, you may send a standard photo,
which does not need to be professionally prepared—even a quick Polaroid of
the painting hanging on your wall will do. An honest attempt will be made to
return submitted photos. Ask for details using the
Quick Query Form.
One of the elements tracked on the database is
the "Material" used. This means the paper and watercolor used for a given
painting. Best efforts have been made to tie down the specifics, but pieces
made before the image tracking system are sometimes in question.
Winsor Newton Artist Grade Watercolors have
been a mainstay and span all periods, though some colors were dropped from
Endico's work after they proved to be "fugitive," which means they are light
sensitive and will fade over time. These colors are no longer used.
As for the paper, Mary has explained that
four periods exist and has set time frames to use when
doubt arises. The following list shows the three manufacturers she
has used and the approximate years for each. All are 300 gm cold press.
- Arches (1976-1983)
- T.H. Saunders (1984-1992)
- Lanaquarelle (1993-2006)
- Winsor Newton (late 2006-present)
More information about materials and this
progression will be published later. If you have a
special interest, ask for an explanation using the
Quick Query Form.
this page last updated:
03/05/2020 09:33:25 PM