Mary Endico has two separate resumes; one is published and the other not, but the hidden one is just as impressive.
Here are her two resumes, starting with her published brochure.
ENDICO haute conduite non-objective paintings are included in the permanent collections of the Asheville Museum of Art, the Kentucky Art Museum as well as public and private collections throughout the United States and 21 countries worldwide. This is not surprising considering the quality and character of her work.
Mary Endico's award winning watercolors push the limits of color, design and perspective, as they remain stripped of objective content. As such they present the viewer a natural gateway and insight into the basic metaphors of conscious aesthetic. Mary writes:
“After 17 years working as a full time professional artist using traditional translucent technique, I embarked on a journey to combine the studio practices of oil and acrylics (such as scumbling, dragging, and rubbing) into my already established wet-on-wet watercolor process while still retaining pure aqueous materials. In the 23 years since, I have succeeded in enriching the syntax and pushing the boundaries of the watercolor lexicon.
"I choose wet-on-wet watercolor technique as my primary medium because of its dynamic and exciting nature—immediate and unforgiving. As soon as the water is applied the stopwatch is triggered. Then every stroke counts against you. Mistakes cannot be reworked or edited, so careful preplanning is a must. It is satisfying to succeed with colors that are crisp, clean, and unmuddied, which maintains the composition’s integrity and, at the same time, expands the watercolor word-stock.
All of my haute conduite watercolors are painted using museum quality materials and conservation technique to insure the work will survive generations.”
Mary Endico has been a professional watercolorist for nearly half a century.
In 2001 the National Watercolor Society elected Mary to signature membership. She is included in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in American Women. Mary graduated from Boston University in 1976 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. She also enjoys Signature Membership to the Kentucky Watercolor Society and the North East Watercolor Society where she serves on the Board of Directors. Formerly Mary was a Signature Member of the Knickerbocker Artists and an Artist Member of the Salmagundi Club in New York City.
Her work is exhibited nationally in juried museum and gallery competitions. In addition to being selected for numerous awards, Mary supports artistic merit by sponsoring award programs of selected art organizations. In her active career Mary has been a guest lecturer, juror and watercolor demonstrator—as well as artist consultant for D’Arches fine art papers. Very early she was published in Art Of Young America.
National Arts Club, National Watercolor Society, American Watercolor Society, Audubon Artists, Knickerbocker Artists, San Diego Watercolor Society, Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Club, Hudson Valley Artists, Mamaroneck Arist's Guild, National Exhibition of American Watercolors, Georgia Watercolor Society, Art of Rockland and Orange County Invitational, Pikes Peak Watercolor Society, Pittsburgh Aqueous, Louisiana International, Kentucky Watercolor Society, Midlantic Regional, Pennsylvania Society of Watercolor Painters, Salmagundi Club, Allied Artists, Northeast Watercolor Society and the International Society of Experimental Artists. For an extended listing with awards see:
During Mary Endico's 40+ years as a professional watercolorist, while she was gathering the credentials explained in her brochure above and self-selling more than 21,000 of her own hand painted original watercolors directly one-on-one to collectors visiting her studio in Sugar Loaf, New York, she was also gathering a secondary list of accomplishments which she chose to leave unpublished, so as to not distract from her career as watercolorist.
Those other accomplishments are published here because of the nature of the Botanical Rain book which may attract young artists who need to know the full story in order to understand what a life in the arts requires.
Here's Mary's list of secondary accomplishments:
1975 Cosmetic breast reduction, age 21
1976 Torn cervix 24 stitches, age 22
1976 Cat scratch fever lymph node biopsy, age 22
1976 Breast reduction nip n tuck, age 22
1993 Lyme disease age, 39
1999 Broken hand (road cycling in a group), age 49
2000 DCIS (breast cancer) RB, 1 core biopsy, 1 surgery age, 50
20?? RB needle biopsy benign cyst, age ??
2009 Uterine ablation, age 56
2009 Fibroid embolization (21 fibroids), age 56
2010 RB 2 core biopsies, age 56
2010 DCIS RB 2 surgeries, age 56
2011 Accelerated 3 weeks radiation, age 57
2011 6 months Tamoxifen, age 57
2015 LB needle biopsy, 1 clip, age 60
2016 RB 2 more core biopsies, age 62
2017 DCIS again RB, age 63
2017 2 core biopsies RB, age 63
2017 Double Mastectomy LB/RB, age 63
RB = Right Breast
LB = Left Breast
Prognosis: excellent.
List above does not include assorted injuries from horse riding, yoga, bicycling, walking GSPs Schnitzel, Sauer, Spatz, and Brat, running, and two broken teeth with extraction — one in 2009 after breaking its root while grimacing in a bench press record attempt, and one a long time ago with Dr. McCosker in New Rochelle, NY.
[Editor's note: Bob suggests that other artists should stop whining so much about their lot in life.]

Left to right: Mary at B.U. with her student sculpture project (1976);
Mary in her watercolor studio, Sugar Loaf, New York (2010)
after years of logically fine tuning her skills and look
[Editor's 2nd note: Mary's photo with her student sculpture (at left above)
is after the major breast reduction surgery which significantly improved her
quality of life by alleviating back pain and associated problems due to her
massive out of control and growing tits. Eventually they were totally
removed after her umpteenth round of breast cancer type aggravations. The photo
of her in the studio (at right above) is between the final cosmetic nip 'n tuck
of 1976 and the eventual double mastectomy of 2017. Mary chooses not to dwell on